Sunday, June 04, 2006

Like it or leave it

This is my first attempt at "blogging." I have been told for years by coworkers, friends, and family that I should publish my pearls of whit, and so I will. This blog is not for everyone, many will be offended. Sometimes this will be intentional, sometimes accidental... All I have to say is, if you don't like it, screw you. I won't be polite to people who don't show politeness to me. I am more than willing to debate others opinions as long as several rules of etiquette are followed.

Rules of Conduct

1. Never, under any circumstance, write a bad word on President Ronand Wilson Reagan. Doing so will get you a tongue lashing the likes of which should be in and of itself a weapon of mass distruction. President Reagan was a man of uncompromising love and loyalty to the American race. Never has freedom and liberty had a more staunch ally, nor has there ever been a more true patriot.

2. Never assert that animals have rights. If I can buy it, sell it, destroy and eat it at will, it is property. Property does not have rights, whereas the property owner does. This is not to say that I believe we should abuse those intrused by the Almighty to us. I do believe animals have a soul, and should be treated humanely. However my position is a moral one, not legal. I do not believe that the founders of our nation intended for PEOPLE to be subordinate to the needs of property. I am an animal owner and lover. I treat them very well, because I believe that in the next life I will be called to account for my stewardship over which I was given dominion.

3. Guns are tools. One cannot blame a hammer for striking a finger that is in the wrong place. One blames the workman holding the hammer. Never assert to me, on my blog, that a manufacturer is responsible for the unlawful use of their tools. Were that the case, Craftsman should be sued everytime one of their axes are used to hack a philandering spouse to pieces.

4. Politicians regardless of party are crooked. This is as obvious as milk being white. If you are colorblind, go somewhere else. I have no use for you.

5. The US Constitution is not a living document. It means exactly what it says. If you are too stupid to uderstand that, go back to kindergarten. Im sure they have some nice fingerpaints for you, and nap time is always at noon. To say that the Constitution is "living" is to say that the definition of "is" is metamorphic, and that "just don't make no sense."

6. I am always right. You already know this, or you would not be reading. It is permissable to take umbrage at my correctness, as people often become hostile when confronted with the truth. However, name calling (unless its me doing the name calling) is prohibited. So is questioning my integrity and correctness. As I stated above, I am ALWAYS right.

7. Advice is free, unless I say otherwise. I am constantly asked to parcel out wisdom to those without the mental faculties to think for themselves. If you are one of these people, simply follow the advise I offer and we'll get along famously. Compliance is mandatory if advise is sought and given. Failure to comply will result in the beforementioned weapon of mass distruction being directed against your person.

8. The US Armed Forces are not responsible for starting wars. This is what POLITICIANS do. As stated above, one cannot blame the tool for what the tradesman does with it. Blame Senators Kennedy, Clinton, Kerry, and all the other lying scumbag liberals if you are so inclined. You already know what the Republicrats, I mean Republicans are, so why are you bitching? The libs are supposed to be your guys, yet with a smile and a wink they stand assholes to elbows with the Republicans. Why you may ask? Because they are all the same. They simply have a different name.

9. Planned parenthood is racist. If you have any doubts, or are uncertain as to what racism means, see this excellent article written by Mike Perry

10. The rules are subject to change without previous notice. By accepting the terms of service as set forth today, you agree to abide by any firther changes I make in the future.


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