Sunday, June 04, 2006

Guns and crime

If we are to believe the politicians who have a law for everything but premature ejaculation (I hear that one's cumming soon) guns cause crime. Why is it then, that the cities with the most draconian anti-gun laws also have the highest crime rates? I refuse to quote statistics on this matter, instead referring to the wisdom of Samuel Clemens that there are lies, damn lies, and statistics; however Washington DC, New Jerk, I mean York City, Philadelphia (the city of brotherly incest), Detriot, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco (among others) have the highest instances of violent crime??? Because the bad guys know that the vast majority of people are unarmed and incapable of protecting themselves from violent attack! Why is this so hard to understand?

Ill tell you a little secret. Politicians don't want to stop, or even deter crime. In fact, they want to make even more Americans criminals. That way they can justify their ever increasing wages, budgets, gifts to friends (ahem, awarding of contracts) and other forms of nepotism and nefarious activity. If they were able to, with the stroke of a pen, end crime forever... the bill would never leave committee. Were it to do so, they would have to get real jobs instead of sitting on the public welfare rolls.

An armed society is a polite society

Riddle me this. Would you be willing to steal your neighbors lawn mower if there was a distinct probability you would be shot while breaking into his garage? Would you attempt to sneak into his house and rob him blind while he slept if there were a great chance of being sent to meet your maker? Would you force yourself upon a woman (or man if you are inclined that way) if there was a real probability that your brain would become air conditioned?

Then why do american politicians constantly tell us that we are more likely to become victims if we have the means to protect ourselves from the people who would prey upon us? It is because they know that if we believe, truly believe, that we are helpless we will have to rely on them for protection. I say to you that only a coward refuses to take upon himself his own defense. I say to you that only a coward rely's on others for protection. I say to you that it is foolish and wicked not to take responsibility for your own being.
If we were to listen to politicians, citizens (or as they call us, civilians) would be without the means to defend ourselves against any enemy. Lets get this out of the way right now. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution has NOTHING to do with hunting or sports shooting. The Second Amendment is a mechanism for the People (thats us) to defend themselves against a TYRANICAL GOVERNMENT. That we may also use firearms to defend ourselves against tyrants not in government service (to all of you educated in LA public schools, that means bad guys) is an added benefeit, but not the intended purpose of the amendment.
What do we do?
Tis a good question, one that I have been pondering since a child. I do not have the complete answer yet. I do have some of the solution.
1. Don't vote based upon party affiliation. Essentially what you have in today's America is socialist party A and socialist party B. We must actively persue third party canidates with a vision for an independant america. We must vigilantly hold accountable lawmakers (don't you love how they title themselves? Last time I checked the constitution, the title "law maker" was nowhere in existance. What they are is legislators. Now why they feel the need to make a law for everything can only be summed up by my previous statement, to stay in power) for their actions, words, and policies.
2. Become active in local political movements, and don't let the despots frighten you away from participating as a canidate. Millions of honest hard working americans purposefully shy away from taking an office out of fear for the campaigh tactics of the incumbents. Keep your head up, shoulders back, eyes on the target, and ears closed to their insults and lies. Remember they are afraid of loosing their welfare check and will do anything to keep it. It is our duty to throw em off the welfare rolls and make them become contributing members of society.
3. If you see a politician or civil servant breaking the law, REPORT THEM. Im sure you have seen the fancy government motor pool cars driving around (if you haven't you are blind and unobservant. They are the ones with license plates that have "GSA for official use only" front and back) at 2:30 in the morning, or parked in the lot of a strip club, or grocery store, etc. Those cars belong to the PEOPLE (thats you and I) and we pay for not only the vehicle, but the insurance and fuel, and should not be used for anything but actual business that is needed for the people's work. If your report does nothing to stop the abuse (in the real world people call the unauthorized use of a vehicle theft) go to the supervisor of the person you reported it to. Keep going until the situation is resolved. It sounds like a lot of work, and it is. But this is what we must do as citizens to ensure our government is accountable.
4. Own a firearm. Even if you never intend to use it. The more firearms in private hands, the more nervous the politicians get about abusing us. Get training, join a gun club, hate the gun if you want, but keep it "just in case." If you disagree with the NRA, which I often do even though I am a life member, join another pro-gun organization such as Gun Owners of America, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (need not be Jewish to join), the Second Amendment Foundation, or a state affiliated branch of any of these fine groups.
5. Read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and your state's Constitution to better understand what our country was designed to be by our founders. If you see something being practiced by the government that is against the constitution, GET ANGRY. Don't shrug your shoulders and go about your business. Excercise your first amendment right to freely speak, peaceably assemble, and seek a redress of grievances against your government. Don't take "no" for an answer.
There are so many more things to say on this subject, I think I will make an entire section devoted to anti-political activism, and invite my friends to add their thoughts to the mix on this subject. Check back soon for updates.


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