Sunday, June 04, 2006

Judge the Judge

I looked thru the Omaha World Hearald this afternoon to find an article about some idiot Judge in Sidney Nebraska that sentenced an admitted child molester to 2 - 5 year consecutive terms of PROBATION instead of prison (for which he could have received 10 years) because of his small stature.

Quote Judge Kristine Cecava:

"So Im sitting here thinking this guy has eaned his way to prison but then I look at you and your physical size. I look at your basic ability to cope with people and, quite frankly, I shake to think of what will happen to you because I don't think you'll do well in prison... So is there any way I can hold you accountable for the severity and the dangerous acts and the harmful acts that you have done against another human being... I am relieved to know that the people who evaluated you -- you are a sex offender, okay. You did this and you did it to a child, that means at some level you have a preference towards children. That doesn't make you a hunter, the predator we all hear about on tv all the time."

The assailant, Jimmy Thompson admitted to "repeatedly sexually assaulting" a 13 year old girl with his hand, penis, and foreign object. And, contrary to suggestions that he was "borderline mentally retarded," was deemed competent to stand trial. Yet this "Judge" saw fit to protect a child molester from others like himself in prison.

This is the type of judicial nonsence that will lead our great nation into the toilet. What does the Judge have to say for herself? "Eighteen and a half years I've been at this business and, you know what? I'm a good judge." Cecava said "People might think otherwise, but I can't change that." Well, Judge, Ill tell you what. I think you are full of crap. Anyone that would place the welfare of a perverted sexual predator above the reconing the the victim and the people deserve should be stripped of the robe and gavel and made to go door to door in that town begging forgivness of every citizen there. I think you are as dangerous as this child molester for failing to pretect the rest of society, and for making excuses for him. Hell, you should have been his defense lawyer. You disgust me, you filthy apologist. You should be tried for dereliction of duty and run out of town on the rails.

Atleast the Nebraska Attorney General, Bobby Bruning has his head on strait. He has appealed the sentencing to the Nebraska Supreme Court. Hopefully they will deem it inappropriate and put this piece of trash where he belongs, in the can.

Judge Cecava's response to a possible recall election and legal complaints against her? "whatever happens, happens."

Is there any wonder why every criminal in the world is trying to sneak into our country?


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