Saturday, April 21, 2007

Time to lay down our right to own firearms!?!

So says Uber liberal College professor, and LA Times Editorial Contributor, Tom Plate.

Read Here:

Here is my response to him:

"I would like to take a few moments to address some of the more rediculous points in this 'article,' no, propaganda.

1. "Our famous Constitution, about which many of us are generally so proud...Not all of us are so proud and triumphant about the gun-guarantee clause. The right to free speech, press, religion and assembly and so on seem to be working well, but the gun part, not so much..."

Well, sir, how else but by an armed citizenry do you guarantee your right to freely speak? Trust the government you say? They'll protect your rights? Bullox and hogwash. The Bill of rights, in its entirety, was developed as a mechanim to allow the people to defend themselves against an all-powerful, tyrannical government. No government in the history of the world, including this one, respects the rights of individuals. In fact, its fair to say, that government exists solely to restrict the rights, freedoms, and liberties of individuals.

2. "...Some misguided people will focus on the fact that the 23-year-old student who killed his classmates and others at Virginia Tech was ethnically Korean..."

You're the only one that's making an issue of this. To everyone else, his ethnicity is nothing more than a description of the individual. Not everyone has a television on at all times, and without someone describing what the person looked like, and where he came from, we wouldn't know. I can imagine what a news broadcast in your world would sound like: Dead air. Which in your case is pretty close to correct. You have nothing to add to this debate other than diatribe and dead air.

3. "...Ban Ki-moon is also Korean! Our brilliant new United Nations secretary general has not only never fired a gun, it looks like he may have just put together a peace formula for civil war-wracked Sudan -- a formula that escaped his predecessor."

I think that formula is "Bend over, grab the knees, and wait for penetration." What is happening in Sudan cannot be 'solved,' as you claim, by the United Nations (which have failed to solve even the simplest of problems, such as where 20 billion dollars of the "Oil for Food" program went). The problems in Sudan can only be fixed with a bullet to the head of those who would victimize their neighbor. You can't bargain with evil, you can only destroy it.

4. "...These students were not killed by a Korean, they were killed by a 9 mm handgun and a .22-caliber handgun."

Just as your article wasn't penned by you, but your typewriter. It is the actor, not the tool. Get it? You are responsible for what you do, not an inatimate object.

5. "...In the nineties, the Los Angeles Times courageously endorsed an all-but-complete ban on privately owned guns, in an effort to greatly reduce their availability. By the time the series of editorials had concluded, the newspaper had received more angry letters and fiery faxes from the well-armed U.S. gun lobby than on any other issue during my privileged six-year tenure as the newspaper's editorial page editor."

Ummm, no. The responses were from the average citizen who didn't like elitists such as yourself trying to disarm them, and make them totally dependant on a despotic city government who already prooved it was not only incapable, but totally disinterested in protecting the citizenry in LA. Thank the Almighty the city wasn't able to follow your hairbrained scheme. Were they able to, you'd have a hell of a lot more blood on your hands than the evil "gun lobby."

6. "...But the paper, by the way, also received more supportive letters than on any other issue about which it editorialized during that era..."

So, lemme get this strait. If someone is opposed to you, they are a wacko and a member of the gun lobby. But if they are in agreement, they are an average citizen and full of common sense?

7. "..."Guns don't kill people," goes the gun lobby's absurd mantra. Far fewer guns in America would logically result in far fewer deaths from people pulling the trigger..."

Using your logic, fewer restaurants would then logically result in fewer deaths due to high cholesterol, which ironically is the largest killer of all. Fewer automobiles would result in fewer deaths due to sudden impacts. Fewer oxygen molecules would result in fewer deaths due to oxidation of vital chemical compounds in the blood...

8. "...When the great pop composer and legendary member of the Beatles John Lennon was shot in 1980 in New York, many in the foreign press tabbed it a war on celebrities..."

Who says he was "great?" He was famous, but a despicable human being. In fact, he was a communist. Hardly One that I would describe as "great."

9. "Last month, I was robbed at 10 in the evening in the alley behind my home. As I was carrying groceries inside, a man with a gun approached me where my car was parked. The gun he carried featured one of those red-dot laser beams, which he pointed right at my head...Because I'm anything but a James Bond type, I quickly complied with all of his requests. Perhaps because of my rapid response (it is called surrender), he chose not to shoot me; but he just as easily could have. What was to stop him?"

Well, lets declare who wasn't there to stop him: The police. Why didn't he kill you? Perhaps your whining and goveling struck a nerve, perhaps he thought you were too pathetic to waste a bullet on. Or perhaps, murder wasn't in his heart. Either way, you survived. But what about those store clerks who comply and are still herded into the freezer and shot to death, stabbed, raped, or left to freeze? What did they do wrong that you did right?

I think your story is a lie. I think you are a liar.

I can't find any police report with your name on it, in LAPD's or LACSO's database.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

However, using your model of "surrender," fewer people would surely be alive today. Remember Auschwitz? Treblinka? Dachau? The Kmer Rouge? Pol Pot?

I guess the "guests" of such hosts were just poor 'surrendurrers,' and were killed for not having complied fast enough.

You sir, are what's wrong with this country. All people like you want to do is give up instead of fighting. If that's the way you feel, perhaps a trip to the showers for 'special treatment' sounds appealing?

Get out of my country, and take those who fall on their bellies to beg with you. Perhaps the "brillinat Ban Ki Moon" can find a nice place for you to be safe... In Darfoor."

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

PLEA act of 2007, what it should say...

PLEF Act (Introduced in Senate)

S 517 IS 110th CONGRESS

1st Session

S. 911To protect the Nation's Private Citizen's by banning treacherous liberal's from speaking in the People's house, to prevent them from introducing meaningless legislation that only impacts law-abiding citizens, testing Representatives for capability to desecrate the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights, and prohibiting the promulgation, affirmation, or sustination of such bills by members of Congress.



Nation's Private Citizen's by banning treacherous liberal's from speaking in the People's house, to prevent them from introducing meaningless legislation that only impacts law-abiding citizens, testing Representatives for capability to desecrate the Constitution of the United States and Bill of Rights, and prohibiting the promulgation, affirmation, or sustination of such bills by members of Congress.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Protect Lawful Excercise of Freedom' or the `PLEF Act'.

SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE.(a) Findings- Congress finds the following:

(1) Liberal legislators have an agenda to disarm the American public.

(2) Systematic removal and lessening of rights by a liberal Congress and an activist Judiciary have jeapordized the rights of all law-abiding Americans to excercise their individual and collective rights to bear arms for the protection of self and neighbor.

(3) The liberal legislatures of all states have intruded and weakened the protections of all Private Citizens to the protection of the assumption of innocense, have withdrawn the right to be secure in their person, papers, effects without a warrant issued by a Court of competant jurasdiction and upon oath or affirmation, and; have disregarded the protection of searches and seizures of private property without just cause and due process and not for the use of the public and without just compensation.

(4) The liberal legislators have seized property, rights, and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill of Rights.

(b) Purpose- The purpose of this Act is to protect the Nation's Private Citizenry by-

(1) testing politicians to determine their ability and desire to destroy the Bill of Rights; and

(2) prohibiting the speaking, acting, working, posession, affirmation, solicitiation, or promulgation of any sound, written material, or espousal of belief to the contrary of the laws of the land, the Constitution of the United States of America, or the Bill of Rights.

SEC. 3. Liberal Treacherous Scum.

(a) Expansion of Definition of Sedition- Section 921(a)(17)(B) of title 18, United States Code, is amended--

(1) in clause (i), by striking `or' at the end;

(2) in clause (ii), by striking the period at the end and inserting `; and'; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:`(iii) a speaker, author, or transferrer that--

`(I) may be used to attack the rights of private individuals; and

`(II) the Attorney General determines, pursuant to section 926(d), to be capable of defeating personal liberty.'.

(b) Determination of Capability of Defeating Personal Liberty- Section 926 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(d)(1) Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Attorney General shall promulgate standards for the uniform testing politicians against a Civil Liberty Exemplar.

`(2) The standards promulgated pursuant to paragraph (1) shall take into account, among other factors, variations in performance that are related to the type of media used, the length of the speech or handbill, the amount and kind of language used to voice the opinion, and the design of the author.

`(3) As used in paragraph (1), the term `Civil Liberty Exemplar' means liberties that the Attorney General determines are the base minimum afforded protection under all applicable law and custom.

'SEC. 4. Treacherous Words and Actions(a) In General- Section 922 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding after subsection (y):

`(z) Members of the Democrat, Green, or Worker's Party-`(1) IN GENERAL- It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, import, market, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive--

`(A) Any material, which in nature is treasenous or sedicious;

`(B) Any book or handbill written by Corolyn McCarthy, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Ted Kennedy; or

`(C) any other person who espouses similiar treacherous idealogy.

`(2) EXCEPTIONS- This subsection shall not apply to--

`(A) any person who had had a lobotomy; and

`(B) Those who are currently under the care of a psychiatric physician or who are comitted to a mental facility.'.

(b) Penalties- Section 924(a)(1)(B) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by striking `or (q)' and inserting `(q), or (z)'.Violations of any section of this bill shall constitute Sedition or Treason, and shall be punished by death.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sportsman (Dis)Organized

It was just a little over a month and a half ago that Jim Zumbo, formerly of Outdoor Life, accused hunters who use military style "assault" rifles of being terrorists. A spontaneous, grass roots effort immediately took place, putting pressure on his sponsors. Amazingly, within 2 days of his ass-flapping, he had lost every single sponsor.. And this was over a weekend. Tommy Milner, President of Remington Arms actually telephoned to me and we spoke for more than a half-hour.

There were a few turncoats in the whole ruckus, namely Ted Nugent, who after 2 days declared Dumbo "Upgraded," and violently attacked his critics. According to Nugent, if he says someone is 'cured' after 2 days, he's automatically cured.. And if you don't agree, Nugent says "Get the hell out of my campfire," you're not welcome around him. Ted, with respect, go penetrate yourself with your fist and spin. You need to get the hell away from our campfire. For even though you have vocally supported gun owner's rights, every time you open your mouth on TV, radio, or to a reporter, you look like a retarted dumbass redneck... And a rabid, beer swilling "my trailer blew away in the tornado" one at that.

Since that time Dumbo and Nugent have been photographed together shooting a pink AR, and Dumbo has claimed "They've awoken a giant, and filled me with a terrible resolve..." Yeah, right.. And that $100 you sent to the sportsmans alliance prooves it.

What did you and Nugent do when your words were read before Congress? You issued a written statement. What happened to your claim of standing on the steps of the Capitol to block any new gun legislation??? I'm sure you didn't show because you couldn't get a cameraman to cover you. Dumbo, your life can be summed up in photo's. you will forever be remembered as the retard with the pink "terrorist rifle." Pink... It sure does explain a lot.. A little light in the loafers there, Dumbo? But what should we really expect from a guy who hunts with John Kerry? Just be careful when you're around him, or you'll end up with a purple heart and an ass full of self-inflicted rice holes.

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So, what did all of us sportsmen do after we totally crused Dumbo? Nothing. We went back to sleep, and are allowing the liberals to introduce the largest, and most restrictive, anti-gun legislation seen anywhere outside of Soviet Russia. And here we sit, with our collective thumbs in the same place as Nugent's.

Shame on all of us.