Hugo's House of Horrors
Do any of you remember the video game by that name from the early 90's?
The premise was that a lost hiker, or something to that effect, found an uninhabited house to take shelter from the storm, only to be set upon by ghouls and goblins.
Sounds an awful lot like Venezuela to me...
Let me set the stage. Venezuela has been suffering from extememe poverty and crime for decades mainly because of failed communist leadership and neo-communist insurrections. Nearly the entire populace suffers from mal-nutrition and disease. 3 of every 4 children born outside of Carracas die from post-natal infections, and nearly half of post-partum mothers die from preventable and treatable infection. Gangs of government officials have seized enything of wealth, and any "pretty young thing" of interest. Natural resources are exploited for the benefeit of whoever has enough soldiers to hold them.
In the truest sense of the phrase, Venezuela is a "no man's land," where the strong have all, and the weak have not.
The premise was that a lost hiker, or something to that effect, found an uninhabited house to take shelter from the storm, only to be set upon by ghouls and goblins.
Sounds an awful lot like Venezuela to me...
Let me set the stage. Venezuela has been suffering from extememe poverty and crime for decades mainly because of failed communist leadership and neo-communist insurrections. Nearly the entire populace suffers from mal-nutrition and disease. 3 of every 4 children born outside of Carracas die from post-natal infections, and nearly half of post-partum mothers die from preventable and treatable infection. Gangs of government officials have seized enything of wealth, and any "pretty young thing" of interest. Natural resources are exploited for the benefeit of whoever has enough soldiers to hold them.
In the truest sense of the phrase, Venezuela is a "no man's land," where the strong have all, and the weak have not.
So now comes Hugo Chaves, an admitted socialist and follower of Marx. Chaves declares that Venezuela will become a Latin paradise for all the working class... Instead it has become even more of a slum as their natural resources are sold to other Despots who use the profits to fund terrorism. Venezuela is now one of the poorest countries in the world, where gangs of police roam the streets raping and pillaging. The government has created slums where the politically unimportant are stored, along with torture-prisons for those who resist.
One of the first things Chaves does when taking office is to stick his hands out to communist governments around the world. He starts with Cuba, then goes to Russia, and then branches out to facist groups as well. From these nations he recieves money, advisors, and new tactics with which to torture and murder his own people.
Iran, Turkey, Chechnya, Syria, Lebanon, etc. are all funding Chaves and his thugs. Yet he has the GALL to call America a friend of evil.
What does Chaves do with his moeny? Half of the citizens of Venezuela are on welfare, the other half working directly for the government. Hugo will fund massive rally's of people to protest America by offering FREE FOOD to appear. Yet, Chavez sells his country's only real asset, oil, to contries who use the proceeds of the sales to fund terrorism. Why does he do this to his own people? Because he is EVIL, and evil cares nothing for how it injures innocents.
Yet Chaves is largely ignored by the American populous. WHY? Because he is a boob and good for a few laughs.
What Chavez is doing in Venezuela is dangerous, akin to Stalinistic Russia. He makes the people solely dependant upon his good will for their survival, and in return they will do what ever he asks upon the implied threat of starving to death.
I predict that the next major terrorist event in the US will come not from the Middle-east, but from South America. Chavez is in bed with the Islama-nazi's and would murder Americans just to firm up his position with loons like Achminedijad and Hizb' al Allah. Not because he agrees with them, but because he knows where the money is coming from to keep him in power.
Hugo Chaves is more dangerous that Osama, friends.. Believe it. He has no Jihad, no loyalties, no beliefs. He is a capitolist in the truest sense of the word. He will do ANYTHING, say anything, to keep what he has.
Even and especially if it means killing Americans.
Be warned, be safe, and be observant!
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