Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sportsman (Dis)Organized

It was just a little over a month and a half ago that Jim Zumbo, formerly of Outdoor Life, accused hunters who use military style "assault" rifles of being terrorists. A spontaneous, grass roots effort immediately took place, putting pressure on his sponsors. Amazingly, within 2 days of his ass-flapping, he had lost every single sponsor.. And this was over a weekend. Tommy Milner, President of Remington Arms actually telephoned to me and we spoke for more than a half-hour.

There were a few turncoats in the whole ruckus, namely Ted Nugent, who after 2 days declared Dumbo "Upgraded," and violently attacked his critics. According to Nugent, if he says someone is 'cured' after 2 days, he's automatically cured.. And if you don't agree, Nugent says "Get the hell out of my campfire," you're not welcome around him. Ted, with respect, go penetrate yourself with your fist and spin. You need to get the hell away from our campfire. For even though you have vocally supported gun owner's rights, every time you open your mouth on TV, radio, or to a reporter, you look like a retarted dumbass redneck... And a rabid, beer swilling "my trailer blew away in the tornado" one at that.

Since that time Dumbo and Nugent have been photographed together shooting a pink AR, and Dumbo has claimed "They've awoken a giant, and filled me with a terrible resolve..." Yeah, right.. And that $100 you sent to the sportsmans alliance prooves it.

What did you and Nugent do when your words were read before Congress? You issued a written statement. What happened to your claim of standing on the steps of the Capitol to block any new gun legislation??? I'm sure you didn't show because you couldn't get a cameraman to cover you. Dumbo, your life can be summed up in photo's. you will forever be remembered as the retard with the pink "terrorist rifle." Pink... It sure does explain a lot.. A little light in the loafers there, Dumbo? But what should we really expect from a guy who hunts with John Kerry? Just be careful when you're around him, or you'll end up with a purple heart and an ass full of self-inflicted rice holes.

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So, what did all of us sportsmen do after we totally crused Dumbo? Nothing. We went back to sleep, and are allowing the liberals to introduce the largest, and most restrictive, anti-gun legislation seen anywhere outside of Soviet Russia. And here we sit, with our collective thumbs in the same place as Nugent's.

Shame on all of us.


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