Monday, June 05, 2006

The Manchurian Candidate

Nothing gets my blood boiling like a traitorous wretch. Benedict Arnold? The perfect poster child for retroactive abortion. The same goes for the Rosenberg's, Aldrich Ames, and apparently US Senator John McCain of Arizona. He makes me ashamed I once called Arizona home. While living there you became accustomed to ignoring the crap spewing from his soundhole, but since I have been living elsewhere for nearly 5 years I have become sensitive to his hysterical ranting and raving.

My list of grievances cannot possibly be stored in cyberspace, the whole storage capacity of the DoD is too small. But today my friends, I've finally had enough. A congressional canidate from California has proposed a bill that would build a 2000 mile (not 350 like McCrap, I mean McCain wants) fence along our border with Mexico, and deny birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens. Before you stupid uneducated rednecks out there start to spream about how the constitution (its actually the 14th amendment you pukes) guarantees citizenship to those born here, learn the facts first. The 14th amendment states specifically " All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." The US Supreme court has clearly stated that the caveat of "and subject to the jurasdiction thereof" to mean those LEGALLY in the united states, and not foreign tourists, those illegally in the US, or children of diplomatic parents. Jurasdiction clearly means that only those with legal standing to be here (that means those who have undergone the required screening and have recieved permission and are subject to the laws which grant residency) are granted the right of US citizenship. Why is this so hard for you idiots to understand???

John McCains response to this proposal was to say that building a barrier between the US and Mexico was "rediculous and impossible" and that denying birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is "un-American." What planet are you from, John??? The 14th amendment has already stated, and the Supreme Court agrees, that only those LEGALLY in the United States are eligible for birthright citizenship. Tell me how, oh esteemed guru of constitutional law, is it un_american to enforce the law??? Why is it "impossible" to build a 2000 mile barrier along the border??? Ever heard of the Alaska Pipeline, the Key Bridge, The George Washington Bridge, the Lincoln Tunnel, (Berlin Wall), and numerous other modern marvels of engineering and construction? Just because it hasn't been done does not mean it can't. We are AMERICA, you boob, we can do anything we put our minds to.

What I am most interested to learn is why McCain and all the other illegal alien apologists are so dead set against deporting criminals and making it impossible for more to enter. Here is what I have decided. Congress and the Senate are filled with very wealthy people (most don't start as such, but after a few years in office magically become multi-millionaires. How is this possible when their salaries are only about $160,000 a year...) that wish to keep their fortunes whatever the cost to the little people like you and I. They either own business that employ illegal aliens (Ahem, Mayor Bloomberg) or recieve huge grants (gifts) from businesses that do.

After Benedict Arnold was convicted (in absentia) of treason by congress, every mention of his name was stricken from record and print INCLUDING FROM THE STATUE MEMORIALIZING HIS DEFENSE AND VICTORY OVER ENGLISH FORCES AT THE BATTLE OF WEST POINT NY. I think its time we get out our chisels and whiteout markers and do what the cowardly curs in Washington DC wont.

I wonder what really happened to McCrap while he was held POW in Vietnam all those years ago... Can anyone say "Manchurian Candidate"...?


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