Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hooray for the Gay Bay!

It's not very often that I agree with anything said by a pubic, I mean public, official from California. However yesterday a most remarkable thing happened when Judge James Warren of the California Superior Court ruled that San Francisco's Proposition H (the "only criminals may have handguns" law) was ruled unconstitutional and struck from the books.

"California has an overarching concern in controlling gun use by defining the circumstances under which firearms can be possessed uniformly across the state, without having this statewide scheme contradicted or subverted by local policy,'' said the Judge.

In response to the ruling, City Attorney spokesman Matt Dorsey said "We're disappointed that the court has denied the right of voters to enact a reasonable, narrowly tailored restriction on the possession of handguns." Since when did "the voters" have the right to deny the constitutionally innumerated liberties of other citizens? Were that the case your neighbors could decide that you have no protection to "unreasonable searches and seizures" (4th amendment) or no right to be free of compulsion to bear witness against yourself (5th amendment). They could even decide that you had no right to freely speak, or assemble, or to seek a redress of grievances against the government (1st amendment).

To say that the residents of a town, or of the United States, can deny ANY constitutionally liberty, regardless of how many voted for the law, is nothing short of sedition, and is traitorous to the ideals that were the foundation of our nation. We have been intrusted with this nation by our forefathers who knew that this type of abuse would happen if strict gaurds were not set in place to ensure they didn't. This is why the the 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights) were drafted, ensuring that the "king" could not opress anyone, even if they wanted to be opressed.

The city attorney, Dennis Herrera, had publicly stated that he will appeal the Judge's decision, "because I'm smarter and prettier than him, and my pubic hair is finely groomed and has a fresh pine scent." Just kidding. He actually said "in approving Proposition H, 58% of San Francisco voters spoke loudly and clearly on the issue of gun violence..." Um, how did they do that? They attempted to outlaw the LEGAL posession of handguns, manufacture of firearms and ammunition, the retailing of ammunition and firearms, etc. Since when did criminals legally aquire guns and ammo? And when did crooks ever go about obeying firearms registration and licensing laws? The ordinance was nothing more than the city attempting to either make criminals of all law abiding firearms owners, or to make the streets (and people's homes) safe for criminals to operate. Becuase we all know that if you don't try to fight back you wont get hurt; and you won't be denying a hardworking crook the ability to make an "honest" living.

Supervisor Chris Daly said "I am very disappointed that Judge James Warren delayed his ruling by months asking the city to suspend enforcement while almost 50 people are murdered in our streets." As if ANY of the murdered people were killed by law abiding citizens with legally owned firearms. Almost without exception, murders are committed by hardened repeat offenders with illegally posessed arms. How could this ordinance have prevented any of these killings from happening? It couldn't have, but don't try to show logic to a liberal, they are apparently allergic to it.

Oh well, expect for another honerous ordinance to be drafted soon that wastes the money taken from taxpayers under force of law (give us your money or else) to attempt to erode your constitutionally innumerated liberties.

What a pity that retroactive abortion isn't legal, the citizens of San Francisco were bilked out of 40 million dollars for this rediculous election, and have nothing to show for it other than searing pain on the posterior.

I wonder if mandatory lobotomy's for pubic officials should be put on the next ballot...


Blogger Medula Oblongata said...

58% of one Town, not state.

2:22 PM  
Blogger Medula Oblongata said...

The only thing you can be sure of in life is that Libs will spend YOUR money like there is no tomorrow. Think of them as an evil Robin Hood... Steal from the poor and give to the rich.

Yes I would LOVE to sue the shit out of (metaphorically speaking, of course) the libs, but they will claim "legislative immunity" which means they think they should be able to steal your money and you should'nt be able to get any of it back.

Imagin Bill Klinton... "You'll get your money returned from my cold dead hands!"

10:47 PM  

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