Friday, June 09, 2006

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Congresman William Jefferson. Does the name ring a bell? If not, you are either blind and deaf or incurably stupid.

For the sake of argument, Im going to assume that you are neither of the above and explain what happened without any spin.

On the 20th of March, 2006 the FBI served a search warrant on the congressional office of Rep. WIlliam Jefferson of Lousiana. The warrant was issued by a court of competant jurasdiction upon finding suffecient evidence to warrant the search. The application was in accordance with the provisions of the US Constitution. Let me just say, everything was constitutional and completely legal.

Now here is an interesting question. Why did the FBI serve the warrant on a weekend? The decision was made to do it on saturday because of an experience the same agents had last year when serving ANOTHER warrant at his home in Lousiana! At that time he was observed slipping several folders into a blue bag in an attempt to conceal them from the FBI. Interestingly, some of the information seized from his own hands was used as part of the evidence to aquire the warrant to search his office. He obviously cannot be treated like a gentleman and be expected to turn over the evidence demanded under the warrant. The FBI had no other choice in order to secure the evidence from destruction.

Im not going to get into the facts of the Jefferson case, like the FBI sting that paid him $100k ($90k of which was found wrapped in aluminum foil in his home's freezer), or his ties to a Nigerian bribery ring (that is what predicated the sting, apparently this bottom feeder has been bribing foreign officials using his office to gain lucrative contracts to "local constituants") or other things of this nature. Im going to talk about the other traitorous wretches in congress and the White House that have stepped in to defend him.

To hear Dennis Hastert speak would lead one to believe that this was a politically motivated (possibly even racial) attack by the President against an upstanding member of the House. Bill Frist is running around screaming about how this is the Executive Branch attempting to cow the Congressional branch into submission. Its none of the things these liars have been saying. For the first time in who knows how long, the FBI actually went after the right guy, and got the guy they were looking for. After their mistakes in Waco, Ruby Ridge, 911, etc. I was of the opinion that the FBI was a modern force of Keystone Cops, bumbling around running into each other. Apparently I was wrong, or they accidentally happened upon a real criminal, in any case they "got their man."

Back to my point. This was not an invasion of the Executive branch into the Legislative. It was a JUDICIALLY authorized search based upon evidence, nothing more. That the subject of the investigation is a member of congress does not mean he gets privledges the rest of us poor unwashed don't. He should actually be held to a higher standard. What moral authority can he have if he can lie cheat and steal and get away with it? We should be damanding that the FBI investigate EVERY member of congress constantly! Lets have the NSA bug THEIR phones, read their e-mails, and when they get caught with the proverbial finger in the cookie jar, send them to jail!

But in order for the FBI to do that, the congress would have to repeal laws that they have written to protect themselves from prosecution for crimes that they commit while in office. I think we all know that is never going to happen. Lately it seems that the Congress as a whole believes that they are above the law. Don't believe me? Then call your representative and ask why congress passed a law that expempts congressional employees from all employment law, OSHA regulation, overtime rules, sexual and racial discrimination and harrasment laws, and the standards and practices of good business. Ask them why they can claim that they cannot be arrested for drunk driving and fleeing the scene of an accident and instead are to be taken home by the police. Ask them why they have exempted themselves from driver's license regulations and car registration requirements. Ask them why they have exempted their congressional salaries from taxation.

I think the real reason Hastert, Frist, and all the other liars in the Congress are bleeting like scared sheep is that they realize that the tide has changed and the PEOPLE are sick and tired of the elitist rhetoric cumming (every pun intended) from all the lying scumbags on welfare in Washington. And Im not talking about the residents of the town either. Im talking about the types that if they took off their $2,000 suits and jumped into the Patomic, would leave a ring around it.

I think if they just told the truth and said "we simply believe we are better than you" a whole lot of bitching and moaning could be avoided. Until that time, Im gonna look them square in the eyes and say: "Liar, liar, pants on fire" whenever they open their mouths, and pretend to use my mind to set them on fire and send them to the hell that they deserve. Oh, wait, they're in Washington DC... They're already in hell.


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