Friday, June 16, 2006

Give me liberty... Or whatever you feel is fair

Two hundred and thirty years ago, the most important and influential document in human history up to that time, was approved and finalized. This document was simple in nature, and stated nothing more than the liberties that God had endowed upon all men, and listed the grievances that these people had against their sovereign.This document was signed by only 56 men, but spoke for several millions.

Of the men that signed this document, all were wealthy and educated with sizeable estates.Many signed the document assuming that their own personal wealth would be multiplied. Some were hungry for power. Others were simply malcontents, spoiling for a fight. A very few were visionaries who longed for freedom. The one thing that they all had in common was the determination to do what had never been attempted before... The formation of a new nation, governed by the consent of the people, and based upon the premise that no man was worth any more than another.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal

These very words were considered by the British Crown to be treason. The very suggestion that a mere peasant was worth the same as a "noble" was not only offensive, but seditious. Yet here were subjects of the Crown declaring their equality.

Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

The collective gasp among the gentry must have been amazing. I wonder how many courtiers fell to the ground in incredulity after hearing those words. I can imagine the gossip and the insults leveled at the "rebellious American colonies."

After the shock wore off, however, the wrath of the Crown was shewn to those who were brazen enough to delcare their independance. Hordes of British infantry, cavalry, artillery, seamen, marines, and Engineer were sent to these shores for the sole purpose of sacking and burning every town, of imprisoning the inhabitants, and of hanging those who would bear arms against the King.

Many colonials were insuffecient to the task of liberty and shrank from the British. Others had no desire to seperate from Britian and actively worked to aid the British Crown. Still a few men, less than one third, supported a rebellion; and if were incapable of bearing arms, contributed mightly of their substance to finance those who could.

Farms were sold, plantations stripped to the bare ground, men and material were placed into service with one goal only. The goal was simple; to seize from a tyrant the title and posession of our nation, to secure liberty for themselves and their posterity, and to provide for themselves a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

As must happen in all such times, men of honor stood and accepted the call of liberty. They secured by their blood the time that the new Continental Congress needed to field an Army, properly trained and supplied. Honourable men, learned in the arts of warfare and diplomacy accepted the call of the new nation, leaving their posessions and families, knowing not when, if ever they would return. Some of these men would never live to see home again, others would return home to find only ashes and destruction where once they rested. Still others would find their homes standing, but their families gone forever, and never learining what happened.
Such men, as they always have, shoulder their greif and make good of what bad they find. Homes can be rebuilt, families restored, and honorable remembrance made of the fallen.
Men in rags, men who froze; Men who bled, sweated, toiled, and sometimes died. Still they continued on, never ceasing even when demorializing defeats were suffered upon them. The prize was not glory nor fame nor even wealth. They sought not lands or slaves. They sought an idea, that they could determine for themselves their own lives, and bend no knee and give no homage not due.

Blow wind; Come rack! Atleast we'll die with the harness off our back!

Struggle ensued, yet not one of the men who signed and pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honour ever recanted. Most were made homeless. Many lost their families. Several died in captivity. And yet several more died penniless. The one common trait was the adherance to an ideal; that the least amongst us is as worthwhile as the great.

Where have thse men gone? More and more everyday we hear of traitorous and seditious scum trading away the liberties secured for us by our fore-fathers for material wealth. They hold not sacred our ideals, our meaning as a nation. Precious freedoms are being whittled away and foreign law is being cited in cases against citizens. Jury trials, the foundation of our system of justice are being replaced by "administrative courts," organized against the citizen, without an unbiased jury, and without the ability to appeal to a superior court. Classes of people are being created, with a ruling minority weilding power and might; the humbled masses being harnessed with the oxbow of taxes to pay for it. Everyday we see our freedoms having conditions placed upon them, and Jurists babbling about a "living constitution."

The people are being seduced into captivity by "programs" and "entitlements" that do little to address poverty and ignorance, and instead are designed to enslave thru dependance. One cannot read the news without hearing of another "carrot" being created in Congress to encourage, or a "stick" being threatened to discourage, actions that the ruling minority find to be either acceptable or egregious. I do know for certain that Patrick Henry was not talking about governmental subsidation when he uttered his famous statement. Material wealth was considered secondary to the idea of freedom from tyrany and oppression.

This is what we need today. We desperately need to be free from the tyrany we have created and placed upon ourselves, thru our elected representatives. These men are tyrants that have forefeited the allegiance of us citizens, yet are insanely powerful and practice foolery to gain re-election year after year. We must, I SAY MUST, gain back the ground lost to American Elitits in both the government and media. For our own continued survival, lest we only be read about in the history books.

Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! in soon!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Hooray for the Gay Bay!

It's not very often that I agree with anything said by a pubic, I mean public, official from California. However yesterday a most remarkable thing happened when Judge James Warren of the California Superior Court ruled that San Francisco's Proposition H (the "only criminals may have handguns" law) was ruled unconstitutional and struck from the books.

"California has an overarching concern in controlling gun use by defining the circumstances under which firearms can be possessed uniformly across the state, without having this statewide scheme contradicted or subverted by local policy,'' said the Judge.

In response to the ruling, City Attorney spokesman Matt Dorsey said "We're disappointed that the court has denied the right of voters to enact a reasonable, narrowly tailored restriction on the possession of handguns." Since when did "the voters" have the right to deny the constitutionally innumerated liberties of other citizens? Were that the case your neighbors could decide that you have no protection to "unreasonable searches and seizures" (4th amendment) or no right to be free of compulsion to bear witness against yourself (5th amendment). They could even decide that you had no right to freely speak, or assemble, or to seek a redress of grievances against the government (1st amendment).

To say that the residents of a town, or of the United States, can deny ANY constitutionally liberty, regardless of how many voted for the law, is nothing short of sedition, and is traitorous to the ideals that were the foundation of our nation. We have been intrusted with this nation by our forefathers who knew that this type of abuse would happen if strict gaurds were not set in place to ensure they didn't. This is why the the 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution (the Bill of Rights) were drafted, ensuring that the "king" could not opress anyone, even if they wanted to be opressed.

The city attorney, Dennis Herrera, had publicly stated that he will appeal the Judge's decision, "because I'm smarter and prettier than him, and my pubic hair is finely groomed and has a fresh pine scent." Just kidding. He actually said "in approving Proposition H, 58% of San Francisco voters spoke loudly and clearly on the issue of gun violence..." Um, how did they do that? They attempted to outlaw the LEGAL posession of handguns, manufacture of firearms and ammunition, the retailing of ammunition and firearms, etc. Since when did criminals legally aquire guns and ammo? And when did crooks ever go about obeying firearms registration and licensing laws? The ordinance was nothing more than the city attempting to either make criminals of all law abiding firearms owners, or to make the streets (and people's homes) safe for criminals to operate. Becuase we all know that if you don't try to fight back you wont get hurt; and you won't be denying a hardworking crook the ability to make an "honest" living.

Supervisor Chris Daly said "I am very disappointed that Judge James Warren delayed his ruling by months asking the city to suspend enforcement while almost 50 people are murdered in our streets." As if ANY of the murdered people were killed by law abiding citizens with legally owned firearms. Almost without exception, murders are committed by hardened repeat offenders with illegally posessed arms. How could this ordinance have prevented any of these killings from happening? It couldn't have, but don't try to show logic to a liberal, they are apparently allergic to it.

Oh well, expect for another honerous ordinance to be drafted soon that wastes the money taken from taxpayers under force of law (give us your money or else) to attempt to erode your constitutionally innumerated liberties.

What a pity that retroactive abortion isn't legal, the citizens of San Francisco were bilked out of 40 million dollars for this rediculous election, and have nothing to show for it other than searing pain on the posterior.

I wonder if mandatory lobotomy's for pubic officials should be put on the next ballot...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Operation Overlord

D Day, June 6th 1944. The single largest military invasion in the history of the world. 156,000 troops landed by ship, parachute, and glider to begin taking back the continent of Europe from Nazi tryrany. 62 years later the graves of the brave men on all sides are still revrently tended.

Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!

You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world. Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely.

But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to Victory!

I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!

Good luck! And let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.

General Dwight D Eisenhower, Commander ETO June 4th 1944

"We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France. The air is soft, but 40 years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon. At dawn, on the morning of the 6th of June, 1944, 225 Rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs. Their mission was one of the most difficult and daring of the invasion: to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns. The Allies had been told that some of the mightiest of these guns were here and they would be trained on the beaches to stop the Allied advance.

The Rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers--the edge of the cliffs shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades. And the American Rangers began to climb. They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up. When one Ranger fell, another would take his place. When one rope was cut, a Ranger would grab another and begin his climb again. They climbed, shot back, and held their footing. Soon, one by one, the Rangers pulled themselves over the top, and in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of Europe. Two hundred and twenty-five came here. After two days of fighting, only 90 could still bear arms.

Behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs. And before me are the men who put them there.

These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war."

President Ronanld Reagan, June 6th 1984 Point Du Hoc, France

In memoriam for all those who fought and died with honor, regarless of side, we hereby utter this prayer:
"Father, we ask that you would bless and keep these men, that you hold them at your bosom and make your countenance to shine upon them, that no earthly power hold sway over them, and that their sins be forgotten; for they are the men that have saved the world entire."

The ugly American

Have you been reading the news lately? Every time I turn the page I read a new article about some poor schmuck who's accused of breaking some stupid law and ends up on prison. In fact, reading from the mainstream outlets could easily lead one to believe that the opinion of the rest of the world about Americans is true, we really are a bunch of bully's and petty crooks.

In order to find the good news, you have to look deep into the paper and ignore the headlines. Last year a high school championship wrestler from Nebraska who was vying for the title of state champoin heard a story that touched his heart. There was a wrestler from another district who suffered from down's syndrome. This boys only wish was to wrestle in a match like all the other boys, but no one was willing to thinking he was an unworthy adversary. He practiced all year. He suffered in training as his withered body wasn't capable of competing with all the other "normal" kids. But he didn't give up. He trained and trained, and when it seemed he coulde'nt go further he pulled a little more strength from down deep and kept going.

The champoinship wrestler offered to wrestle this boy in a title match. Winning he would maintain his perfect record, and his challenger was hardly a worthy opponent.

Everyone expected that the champion would allow the other boy to wrestle for a few moments and then pin him ending the match and preserving his perfect record. Nobody expected what happened next. The champion wrestled with the boy and allowed him to show the skill he had trained for the whole year. For three rounds they went. At the end the challenger was spent, his head held low, but the champoin had one last act of kindness to give, he allowed the challenger to pin him winning the match. His perfect record was broken, and yet he held his head high and gripped the other boy as a brother. The audience was stunned. The champion had given up his shot at fame by giving it to the other boy. When asked why, he humbly said "he deserved to win." Ugly American, huh?

A gentleman from Dallas Texas heard of an infant in Indonesia that was terminally ill with a disease that could only be cured with an organ transplant. So this nobody sold his home and flew to Indonesia and donated one of his kidneys to a child he had never met, at his own expense. He even paid for the childs medical care and provided a home for his family. When asked why he simply said "it was the right thing to do." Another ugly American.

In Bagndad an American soldier used his own body to protect a wounded mother and child from sniper fire, dying in the process. In Kabul a Marine gave his own life to save an ambulance full with wounded enemy soldiers. In the mountains of Afganistan Special Forces soldiers walked for 3 days without food and little water to bring a desperately ill village child to medical care. More ugly Americans?

Whenever there are catastropies, you will find Americans giving succor to the injured. Whenever there is war, you will find Americans giving relief to refugees. No other nation or people in the history of the world have shown the kindness not only to strangers but to former enemies than Americans. Are they ugly Americans? No. That is what the rest of the world calls us to detract from their own apathy towards human suffering. Don't believe it for a second. We are the greatest nation that has ever been. Not because of our armies, or our industry, or even our political system. America is great, because Americans are good.

Ill take an ugly American over a "morally superior" Frenchman any day of the week.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Congresman William Jefferson. Does the name ring a bell? If not, you are either blind and deaf or incurably stupid.

For the sake of argument, Im going to assume that you are neither of the above and explain what happened without any spin.

On the 20th of March, 2006 the FBI served a search warrant on the congressional office of Rep. WIlliam Jefferson of Lousiana. The warrant was issued by a court of competant jurasdiction upon finding suffecient evidence to warrant the search. The application was in accordance with the provisions of the US Constitution. Let me just say, everything was constitutional and completely legal.

Now here is an interesting question. Why did the FBI serve the warrant on a weekend? The decision was made to do it on saturday because of an experience the same agents had last year when serving ANOTHER warrant at his home in Lousiana! At that time he was observed slipping several folders into a blue bag in an attempt to conceal them from the FBI. Interestingly, some of the information seized from his own hands was used as part of the evidence to aquire the warrant to search his office. He obviously cannot be treated like a gentleman and be expected to turn over the evidence demanded under the warrant. The FBI had no other choice in order to secure the evidence from destruction.

Im not going to get into the facts of the Jefferson case, like the FBI sting that paid him $100k ($90k of which was found wrapped in aluminum foil in his home's freezer), or his ties to a Nigerian bribery ring (that is what predicated the sting, apparently this bottom feeder has been bribing foreign officials using his office to gain lucrative contracts to "local constituants") or other things of this nature. Im going to talk about the other traitorous wretches in congress and the White House that have stepped in to defend him.

To hear Dennis Hastert speak would lead one to believe that this was a politically motivated (possibly even racial) attack by the President against an upstanding member of the House. Bill Frist is running around screaming about how this is the Executive Branch attempting to cow the Congressional branch into submission. Its none of the things these liars have been saying. For the first time in who knows how long, the FBI actually went after the right guy, and got the guy they were looking for. After their mistakes in Waco, Ruby Ridge, 911, etc. I was of the opinion that the FBI was a modern force of Keystone Cops, bumbling around running into each other. Apparently I was wrong, or they accidentally happened upon a real criminal, in any case they "got their man."

Back to my point. This was not an invasion of the Executive branch into the Legislative. It was a JUDICIALLY authorized search based upon evidence, nothing more. That the subject of the investigation is a member of congress does not mean he gets privledges the rest of us poor unwashed don't. He should actually be held to a higher standard. What moral authority can he have if he can lie cheat and steal and get away with it? We should be damanding that the FBI investigate EVERY member of congress constantly! Lets have the NSA bug THEIR phones, read their e-mails, and when they get caught with the proverbial finger in the cookie jar, send them to jail!

But in order for the FBI to do that, the congress would have to repeal laws that they have written to protect themselves from prosecution for crimes that they commit while in office. I think we all know that is never going to happen. Lately it seems that the Congress as a whole believes that they are above the law. Don't believe me? Then call your representative and ask why congress passed a law that expempts congressional employees from all employment law, OSHA regulation, overtime rules, sexual and racial discrimination and harrasment laws, and the standards and practices of good business. Ask them why they can claim that they cannot be arrested for drunk driving and fleeing the scene of an accident and instead are to be taken home by the police. Ask them why they have exempted themselves from driver's license regulations and car registration requirements. Ask them why they have exempted their congressional salaries from taxation.

I think the real reason Hastert, Frist, and all the other liars in the Congress are bleeting like scared sheep is that they realize that the tide has changed and the PEOPLE are sick and tired of the elitist rhetoric cumming (every pun intended) from all the lying scumbags on welfare in Washington. And Im not talking about the residents of the town either. Im talking about the types that if they took off their $2,000 suits and jumped into the Patomic, would leave a ring around it.

I think if they just told the truth and said "we simply believe we are better than you" a whole lot of bitching and moaning could be avoided. Until that time, Im gonna look them square in the eyes and say: "Liar, liar, pants on fire" whenever they open their mouths, and pretend to use my mind to set them on fire and send them to the hell that they deserve. Oh, wait, they're in Washington DC... They're already in hell.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The lie of law

I am going to tell you a little story of what happened to a friend of mine from California a few months ago. my friend, we'll call him "John" enlisted into the Army National Guard and went to Basic Training at Ft. Jackson South Carolina. He was gone for 5 months, and upon his return found his car which he had left in his driveway missing. When he called the police he was told that his car had been impounded more than 3 months ago, and if he wanted it back he had to appear in person at the city impound lot and pay cash for the towing, storage, and associated "fees." John asked what the fees were for, and how much it was going to cost him. The less than polite police officer told him he didn't have any idea, and by the way, there is a warrant for your arrest; should you attempt to retrieve your car, you will be taken into custody. Astounded, John asked why there was a warrant for his arrest. He was told that during his absence his automobile registration had expired and city ordinances forbayed the storage of unregistered vehicles on one's private property and he had failed to respond to a number of letters from the city demanding he remove the vehicle. Because of this the city issued a citation against him demanding his appearance in court. Obviously he didn't receive the summons, which was mailed and NOT served according to law, and even though they had no proof that he had received the summons he was held in contempt of court.

John didn't know what to do, so he went to the impound lot (expecting to be arrested, but knowing that he would eventually get his vehicle back and the Judge would sort the whole mess out) and inquired of the snotty attendant what the cost would be to retrieve his vehicle. The jerk looked up the information in the computer and told him "$6,800." John's eyes bulged out of his head. $6,800 was more than the $5,100 he owed on the vehicle to the bank. Leaving to attempt to borrow the money from relatives (no police arrived to arrest him) he felt that it just wasn't fair, especially since he was on active duty at the time serving in the Army. Several days later he was able to borrow the required amount from friends and family to retrieve his car, and upon arriving was told that the amount owed had increased by another hundred dollars. Reaching into his pocket he retrieved his last bill and handed the money over. He received a receipt, was told thank you, and handed a set of keys. John asked the attendant where his car was, and the attendant said "it was taken and sold at auction last month, the $6900 was the amount of the impound fee that the car's sale didn't cover."

Pissed off, John began to scream at the attendant when a police car arrived and the officers who got out pulled their guns and ordered him to lay on the ground. He complied and was immediately pounced on by a 300+ pound Samoan officer who broke three of his ribs while handcuffing him. He was taken to jail, refused medical care, and treated like a criminal for having the audacity to serve his nation. Long story short, when he was arraigned he told the judge his story and pleaded for assistance with the city for selling his vehicle and charging him almost $7000 AFTER selling his car. He explained that he forgot to renew the registration before going to basic training, and that he wasn't trying to abscond from the law, it was a simple mistake. He asked the judge for help, “I’m not a criminal, your honor, I didn‘t even know that the law existed. It was a mistake that has already cost me nearly $12,000, isn‘t that enough. I just wanted to serve my country, do I have to be treated like a criminal because of that?” The judge told him that there is "NO EXCUSE" for breaking the law, even if you didn't do it on purpose or had any knowledge that you were breaking the law to begin with. He said "but I was on active duty with the Army in South Carolina!" The judge replied "so what! Your registration expired, you didn't show up for court, you broke the law! $3,000 fine or 3 months in Jail!" John didn't have the money. He explained to the judge how he had to borrow the money to pay the impound lot (they never told him they sold his car, they deliberately kept that out to collect the money) and he couldn’t get any more, but if he was given a few months he could get work and pay the fine. The judge, being heartless and uncompassionate said he was likely a flight risk, and his “specialized training” would help him hide from authorities. The judge sent him to county lockup to serve 90 days. Upon his release he was re-arrested by the Military Police for being AWOL from a call up order to serve in Iraq. Even while sitting in jail he was committing a crime.

If we are to believe what this Judge says, that there is "No excuse" for breaking the laws, even in his case, then obviously there can be no forgiveness for breaking immigration law. One must submit to the court and accept punishment in order to repay the debt to society, be deported, then maybe, someday, they can apply to be readmitted into our society. Yet today, our President while in Omaha said that there are a privileged class in this country that should be not only forgiven of very serious crimes, but should also be given a free pass at citizenship, even though they have violated the laws that govern such privileges. What I am referring to is the President's immigration plan. "we want rule of law to prevail; and we want the American Dream to flourish. We're a nation of laws, and we want to uphold those laws. We're also a compassionate nation that treats people decently, and the two are not in conflict. That's what's important for our fellow citizens to understand. The two are not in conflict." Ahem! What is that, Sir?!? You are saying that we can have compassion for people who knowingly break the law, defraud the tax system, but not for a GI who forgot to register his vehicle? My friend did not sneak across the border of a sovereign nation intent on living there illegally. He did not lie about his name and SSN to get work and welfare payments. He did not do anything wrong , ANYTHING AT ALL, but has spent more time in jail that any illegal alien will under our Presidents plan.

Why is the President so interested in protecting the Mexican people, when we are his charge? We are AMERICANS, here legally, paying our taxes, suffering the abuses of our government. Why then does he pander to 12 MILLION lawbreakers when there are 290 MILLION Americans? Why does he feel the need to make excuses for greedy businesses that hire illegal’s and often provide them with fraudulent work documents (often in the name and SSN of an actual American that later has to prove to the IRS that he didn’t lie to them about his taxes)? It is because he knows that corporations make larger profits when they don’t have to pay an American an honest wage, health benefits, retirement, or even provide safe working conditions. It is an utter shame that we, true Americans, are less important to our elected representatives than 12 million criminals. I think that it is time that we take matters into out own hands and do what our representatives refuse to…

I think I hear the sound of tea being thrown into the water somewhere in the distance.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Manchurian Candidate

Nothing gets my blood boiling like a traitorous wretch. Benedict Arnold? The perfect poster child for retroactive abortion. The same goes for the Rosenberg's, Aldrich Ames, and apparently US Senator John McCain of Arizona. He makes me ashamed I once called Arizona home. While living there you became accustomed to ignoring the crap spewing from his soundhole, but since I have been living elsewhere for nearly 5 years I have become sensitive to his hysterical ranting and raving.

My list of grievances cannot possibly be stored in cyberspace, the whole storage capacity of the DoD is too small. But today my friends, I've finally had enough. A congressional canidate from California has proposed a bill that would build a 2000 mile (not 350 like McCrap, I mean McCain wants) fence along our border with Mexico, and deny birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens. Before you stupid uneducated rednecks out there start to spream about how the constitution (its actually the 14th amendment you pukes) guarantees citizenship to those born here, learn the facts first. The 14th amendment states specifically " All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." The US Supreme court has clearly stated that the caveat of "and subject to the jurasdiction thereof" to mean those LEGALLY in the united states, and not foreign tourists, those illegally in the US, or children of diplomatic parents. Jurasdiction clearly means that only those with legal standing to be here (that means those who have undergone the required screening and have recieved permission and are subject to the laws which grant residency) are granted the right of US citizenship. Why is this so hard for you idiots to understand???

John McCains response to this proposal was to say that building a barrier between the US and Mexico was "rediculous and impossible" and that denying birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is "un-American." What planet are you from, John??? The 14th amendment has already stated, and the Supreme Court agrees, that only those LEGALLY in the United States are eligible for birthright citizenship. Tell me how, oh esteemed guru of constitutional law, is it un_american to enforce the law??? Why is it "impossible" to build a 2000 mile barrier along the border??? Ever heard of the Alaska Pipeline, the Key Bridge, The George Washington Bridge, the Lincoln Tunnel, (Berlin Wall), and numerous other modern marvels of engineering and construction? Just because it hasn't been done does not mean it can't. We are AMERICA, you boob, we can do anything we put our minds to.

What I am most interested to learn is why McCain and all the other illegal alien apologists are so dead set against deporting criminals and making it impossible for more to enter. Here is what I have decided. Congress and the Senate are filled with very wealthy people (most don't start as such, but after a few years in office magically become multi-millionaires. How is this possible when their salaries are only about $160,000 a year...) that wish to keep their fortunes whatever the cost to the little people like you and I. They either own business that employ illegal aliens (Ahem, Mayor Bloomberg) or recieve huge grants (gifts) from businesses that do.

After Benedict Arnold was convicted (in absentia) of treason by congress, every mention of his name was stricken from record and print INCLUDING FROM THE STATUE MEMORIALIZING HIS DEFENSE AND VICTORY OVER ENGLISH FORCES AT THE BATTLE OF WEST POINT NY. I think its time we get out our chisels and whiteout markers and do what the cowardly curs in Washington DC wont.

I wonder what really happened to McCrap while he was held POW in Vietnam all those years ago... Can anyone say "Manchurian Candidate"...?

Criminal theft

Now I want to get this out in the open up front. I do not intend this "blog" to be a pro-gun rag. I promise to share my thoughts and feeling on many subjects, but at the moment, well since Hurricane Catrina, my thoughts have been bent towards anti-gun politicians and civil servants more than usual. Nothing burn my ass more than when a representative of the people refuses to obey the oath of office they swore to. I would rather they walked up to me and spit in my face, kicked me in the balls, slapped me and called me Susan, than abuse their office. I actually heard Ted Kennedy on the Senate floor (I occaisonally watch CSpan late at night or during important hearings) tell the other members of the senate, that the wonderful thing about 6 year terms was that they can do anything they wish, and the voters forget about it before the next election.

Back to my point. We all know what Ray Nagin and the New Orleans police dept. did in the aftermath of Hurricane Catrina. They left defenseless 30,000+ people huddled together at the superdome (many of which were robbed, beaten, raped, and murdered) to go out into the public and steal people's private property. That the property was a firearm is inconsequential. It woulden't matter if it was a gun or a TV dinner, the US Constitution prohibits "Unreasonable searches and seazures" the forfeiture of private property without "due process of law" (due process means that a court of competant jurasdiction, having recieved a complaint from the People's representative, the District Attorney, and the subject of the complaint having the opportunity to appear in court to present his arguments, authorizes the seizure) the violation of the protection of the people to "keep and bear arms" for their own, and the collective defense.

What the police and the mayor did was utterly illegal. Individual officers were complicit in the crime (notably two California Highway Patrol officers who tackled an 82 year old woman IN HER OWN HOME after unlawfully entering) have not been charged with any violation of the law. Nor has the mayor or former cheif. Were that you or I, my friends, we would still be sitting in prison, convicted of a multiplicity of crimes, waiting for parol in 10 - 20 years. Why do other representatives of the people such as the DA, the State Attorney General, the US Atty. General, the FBI, US DOJ, or even the President, who under the Constitution is the cheif law enforcement officer of the nation turn a blind eye? Because they are afraid that if they prosecute one of thei fraternity, their own indescretions may be on the front page next time.

What we have is a good old boy network of bullshit artists, that with a smile and a wink rail at eachother, but in the end, retire to the same smoky back rooms to hang out and congradulate each other on being masters of the universe.

Okay, I see I have digressed again. On topic. Lousiana has passed a law that is now in effect that makes it a crime for any governmental agency to attempt to seize a lawfull owned firearm, regardless of the circumstance. This is wonderful, however, the Governor has stated that while it is technically a crime, she doubts anyone would be prosecuted for violating it. They simply would be required to return them at their next opportunity. Sidebar: 95% of illegally confiscated firearms still have not been returned, and early reports are that of the ones that have been the weapons show signs of negligent storage. One man that I saw on the news held up a rifle that looked as though it had been sprayed with salt water for months and allowed to rust. Of course the police say that they are not responsible for "proper storage" of firearms siezed... Bullshit.

Now knowing that it is the law of the land in Lousiana to leave law abiding citizens alone, the NEW police cheif of New Orleans, Warren Riley, has stated that he would intentionally violate the law and confiscate firearms if disaster struck again. "During a circumstance like that, we cannot allow people to walk the street carrying guns…as law enforcement officers we will confiscate the weapon if a person is walking down the street and they may be arrested." WTF!?! Why has he not been arrested for treason and sedition? Why is he still employed? After a statement like that, IMHO, he is nothing more than a Gestapo thug, a jack booted maniac.

What should we do? I thin we should start suing politicians when they break the law. Get a bunch of people together and file a class action suit against them for winning the election by fraud... Oh wait, the politicians have passed laws that exempt them from suit or prosecution for anything they do in office. In fact they can lie to your face on a television ad (remember truth in advertising laws?) or in a letter (ahem, mail fraud) and they are exempt from prosecution because they say so. There are so many stupid voters out there that NO congressional incumbent (that means currently in office) lost his seat in the last several elections. These "men" and I do use the term loosely, are not doing their jobs. Everyone knows that, everyone complains about it. Congress has the lowest approval ratings in HISTORY, yet when we get to the ballot box we send em' back for another term...

Im so disgusted, I think Ill go reload another couple thousand AP rounds for my evil AR-15 rifle. Come to my house and try to force entry without a warrant and you may come in on your feet, but your'e going out on your back in a body sack. I don't care who you are, my home and my property are off limits to you unless you follow the constitutional guidelines. If you don't, I will use any means at my disposal to repel you from my property.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Judge the Judge

I looked thru the Omaha World Hearald this afternoon to find an article about some idiot Judge in Sidney Nebraska that sentenced an admitted child molester to 2 - 5 year consecutive terms of PROBATION instead of prison (for which he could have received 10 years) because of his small stature.

Quote Judge Kristine Cecava:

"So Im sitting here thinking this guy has eaned his way to prison but then I look at you and your physical size. I look at your basic ability to cope with people and, quite frankly, I shake to think of what will happen to you because I don't think you'll do well in prison... So is there any way I can hold you accountable for the severity and the dangerous acts and the harmful acts that you have done against another human being... I am relieved to know that the people who evaluated you -- you are a sex offender, okay. You did this and you did it to a child, that means at some level you have a preference towards children. That doesn't make you a hunter, the predator we all hear about on tv all the time."

The assailant, Jimmy Thompson admitted to "repeatedly sexually assaulting" a 13 year old girl with his hand, penis, and foreign object. And, contrary to suggestions that he was "borderline mentally retarded," was deemed competent to stand trial. Yet this "Judge" saw fit to protect a child molester from others like himself in prison.

This is the type of judicial nonsence that will lead our great nation into the toilet. What does the Judge have to say for herself? "Eighteen and a half years I've been at this business and, you know what? I'm a good judge." Cecava said "People might think otherwise, but I can't change that." Well, Judge, Ill tell you what. I think you are full of crap. Anyone that would place the welfare of a perverted sexual predator above the reconing the the victim and the people deserve should be stripped of the robe and gavel and made to go door to door in that town begging forgivness of every citizen there. I think you are as dangerous as this child molester for failing to pretect the rest of society, and for making excuses for him. Hell, you should have been his defense lawyer. You disgust me, you filthy apologist. You should be tried for dereliction of duty and run out of town on the rails.

Atleast the Nebraska Attorney General, Bobby Bruning has his head on strait. He has appealed the sentencing to the Nebraska Supreme Court. Hopefully they will deem it inappropriate and put this piece of trash where he belongs, in the can.

Judge Cecava's response to a possible recall election and legal complaints against her? "whatever happens, happens."

Is there any wonder why every criminal in the world is trying to sneak into our country?

Guns and crime

If we are to believe the politicians who have a law for everything but premature ejaculation (I hear that one's cumming soon) guns cause crime. Why is it then, that the cities with the most draconian anti-gun laws also have the highest crime rates? I refuse to quote statistics on this matter, instead referring to the wisdom of Samuel Clemens that there are lies, damn lies, and statistics; however Washington DC, New Jerk, I mean York City, Philadelphia (the city of brotherly incest), Detriot, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco (among others) have the highest instances of violent crime??? Because the bad guys know that the vast majority of people are unarmed and incapable of protecting themselves from violent attack! Why is this so hard to understand?

Ill tell you a little secret. Politicians don't want to stop, or even deter crime. In fact, they want to make even more Americans criminals. That way they can justify their ever increasing wages, budgets, gifts to friends (ahem, awarding of contracts) and other forms of nepotism and nefarious activity. If they were able to, with the stroke of a pen, end crime forever... the bill would never leave committee. Were it to do so, they would have to get real jobs instead of sitting on the public welfare rolls.

An armed society is a polite society

Riddle me this. Would you be willing to steal your neighbors lawn mower if there was a distinct probability you would be shot while breaking into his garage? Would you attempt to sneak into his house and rob him blind while he slept if there were a great chance of being sent to meet your maker? Would you force yourself upon a woman (or man if you are inclined that way) if there was a real probability that your brain would become air conditioned?

Then why do american politicians constantly tell us that we are more likely to become victims if we have the means to protect ourselves from the people who would prey upon us? It is because they know that if we believe, truly believe, that we are helpless we will have to rely on them for protection. I say to you that only a coward refuses to take upon himself his own defense. I say to you that only a coward rely's on others for protection. I say to you that it is foolish and wicked not to take responsibility for your own being.
If we were to listen to politicians, citizens (or as they call us, civilians) would be without the means to defend ourselves against any enemy. Lets get this out of the way right now. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution has NOTHING to do with hunting or sports shooting. The Second Amendment is a mechanism for the People (thats us) to defend themselves against a TYRANICAL GOVERNMENT. That we may also use firearms to defend ourselves against tyrants not in government service (to all of you educated in LA public schools, that means bad guys) is an added benefeit, but not the intended purpose of the amendment.
What do we do?
Tis a good question, one that I have been pondering since a child. I do not have the complete answer yet. I do have some of the solution.
1. Don't vote based upon party affiliation. Essentially what you have in today's America is socialist party A and socialist party B. We must actively persue third party canidates with a vision for an independant america. We must vigilantly hold accountable lawmakers (don't you love how they title themselves? Last time I checked the constitution, the title "law maker" was nowhere in existance. What they are is legislators. Now why they feel the need to make a law for everything can only be summed up by my previous statement, to stay in power) for their actions, words, and policies.
2. Become active in local political movements, and don't let the despots frighten you away from participating as a canidate. Millions of honest hard working americans purposefully shy away from taking an office out of fear for the campaigh tactics of the incumbents. Keep your head up, shoulders back, eyes on the target, and ears closed to their insults and lies. Remember they are afraid of loosing their welfare check and will do anything to keep it. It is our duty to throw em off the welfare rolls and make them become contributing members of society.
3. If you see a politician or civil servant breaking the law, REPORT THEM. Im sure you have seen the fancy government motor pool cars driving around (if you haven't you are blind and unobservant. They are the ones with license plates that have "GSA for official use only" front and back) at 2:30 in the morning, or parked in the lot of a strip club, or grocery store, etc. Those cars belong to the PEOPLE (thats you and I) and we pay for not only the vehicle, but the insurance and fuel, and should not be used for anything but actual business that is needed for the people's work. If your report does nothing to stop the abuse (in the real world people call the unauthorized use of a vehicle theft) go to the supervisor of the person you reported it to. Keep going until the situation is resolved. It sounds like a lot of work, and it is. But this is what we must do as citizens to ensure our government is accountable.
4. Own a firearm. Even if you never intend to use it. The more firearms in private hands, the more nervous the politicians get about abusing us. Get training, join a gun club, hate the gun if you want, but keep it "just in case." If you disagree with the NRA, which I often do even though I am a life member, join another pro-gun organization such as Gun Owners of America, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (need not be Jewish to join), the Second Amendment Foundation, or a state affiliated branch of any of these fine groups.
5. Read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and your state's Constitution to better understand what our country was designed to be by our founders. If you see something being practiced by the government that is against the constitution, GET ANGRY. Don't shrug your shoulders and go about your business. Excercise your first amendment right to freely speak, peaceably assemble, and seek a redress of grievances against your government. Don't take "no" for an answer.
There are so many more things to say on this subject, I think I will make an entire section devoted to anti-political activism, and invite my friends to add their thoughts to the mix on this subject. Check back soon for updates.

Like it or leave it

This is my first attempt at "blogging." I have been told for years by coworkers, friends, and family that I should publish my pearls of whit, and so I will. This blog is not for everyone, many will be offended. Sometimes this will be intentional, sometimes accidental... All I have to say is, if you don't like it, screw you. I won't be polite to people who don't show politeness to me. I am more than willing to debate others opinions as long as several rules of etiquette are followed.

Rules of Conduct

1. Never, under any circumstance, write a bad word on President Ronand Wilson Reagan. Doing so will get you a tongue lashing the likes of which should be in and of itself a weapon of mass distruction. President Reagan was a man of uncompromising love and loyalty to the American race. Never has freedom and liberty had a more staunch ally, nor has there ever been a more true patriot.

2. Never assert that animals have rights. If I can buy it, sell it, destroy and eat it at will, it is property. Property does not have rights, whereas the property owner does. This is not to say that I believe we should abuse those intrused by the Almighty to us. I do believe animals have a soul, and should be treated humanely. However my position is a moral one, not legal. I do not believe that the founders of our nation intended for PEOPLE to be subordinate to the needs of property. I am an animal owner and lover. I treat them very well, because I believe that in the next life I will be called to account for my stewardship over which I was given dominion.

3. Guns are tools. One cannot blame a hammer for striking a finger that is in the wrong place. One blames the workman holding the hammer. Never assert to me, on my blog, that a manufacturer is responsible for the unlawful use of their tools. Were that the case, Craftsman should be sued everytime one of their axes are used to hack a philandering spouse to pieces.

4. Politicians regardless of party are crooked. This is as obvious as milk being white. If you are colorblind, go somewhere else. I have no use for you.

5. The US Constitution is not a living document. It means exactly what it says. If you are too stupid to uderstand that, go back to kindergarten. Im sure they have some nice fingerpaints for you, and nap time is always at noon. To say that the Constitution is "living" is to say that the definition of "is" is metamorphic, and that "just don't make no sense."

6. I am always right. You already know this, or you would not be reading. It is permissable to take umbrage at my correctness, as people often become hostile when confronted with the truth. However, name calling (unless its me doing the name calling) is prohibited. So is questioning my integrity and correctness. As I stated above, I am ALWAYS right.

7. Advice is free, unless I say otherwise. I am constantly asked to parcel out wisdom to those without the mental faculties to think for themselves. If you are one of these people, simply follow the advise I offer and we'll get along famously. Compliance is mandatory if advise is sought and given. Failure to comply will result in the beforementioned weapon of mass distruction being directed against your person.

8. The US Armed Forces are not responsible for starting wars. This is what POLITICIANS do. As stated above, one cannot blame the tool for what the tradesman does with it. Blame Senators Kennedy, Clinton, Kerry, and all the other lying scumbag liberals if you are so inclined. You already know what the Republicrats, I mean Republicans are, so why are you bitching? The libs are supposed to be your guys, yet with a smile and a wink they stand assholes to elbows with the Republicans. Why you may ask? Because they are all the same. They simply have a different name.

9. Planned parenthood is racist. If you have any doubts, or are uncertain as to what racism means, see this excellent article written by Mike Perry

10. The rules are subject to change without previous notice. By accepting the terms of service as set forth today, you agree to abide by any firther changes I make in the future.